GuildSomm Podcast

In our latest blind tasting podcast, host and Master Sommelier Chris Tanghe chats with Jonathan Eichholz,MS, about proven study methods that have helped both of them develop the skill to not only pass the Master Sommelier exam but also continue to improve their tasting ability and adapt to evolving wine typicity.

Working with the GuildSomm team, Jonathan keeps the compendium up to date and occasionally teaches classes. He has worked at the acclaimed New York City restaurants The Modern and Aquavit, and he passed the Master Sommelier exam in 2023. 

Thanks for listening. If you enjoy this episode, please consider leaving us a review, as it helps us connect and grow the GuildSomm community. Cheers!

Direct download: GSI_Podcast_8_20_2024_Studying_Tasting.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:39am PST

In our latest podcast, host and Master Sommelier Chris Tanghe connects with Greg Lambrecht, the founder of Coravin, to discuss how the Coravin came to be, the science behind it, and how to maximize its efficiency.

Greg has a background in medical device design and developed the Coravin prototype while drinking solo when expecting his first child. He wanted to reduce waste by having a glass of wine from any bottle without allowing oxygen ingress. Initially intended for consumers, the Coravin has greatly impacted the wine industry by expanding the possibilities of what a by-the-glass program can be at restaurants and wine bars across the world, with some serving hundreds of wines by the ounce or glass.

Thanks for listening. If you enjoy this episode, please consider leaving us a review, as it helps us connect and grow the GuildSomm community. Cheers!

Direct download: GSI_podcast_8_6_2024_Coravin.mp3
Category:Wine Science -- posted at: 12:34pm PST